Center for Professional Excellence

Established through the Predominantly Black Institutions Competitive Grant, Start Strong to Finish Strong, the Center for Professional Excellence (CPE) offers Quality Matters guidance and professional development for all full-time and adjunct faculty at 奥古斯塔 Technical College. Professional development through the CPE focuses on improving student outcomes through teaching and learning.

A picture showing the length of a table holding four computers against a wall. Two flat screen tvs are on the back wall with rows of tables and chairs in the center of the room.



The CPE offers a space for faculty development and general use. 空间包括:

  • Seating for up to 30 people
  • 24个笔记本电脑
  •  6桌面
  • Flexible furniture to suit your needs. 
  • Technology Enhanced Classroom that connects via Webex.

Potential uses for the space:

  • Departmental Professional Development
  • 会议/会议
  • Collaborative Workspace

Two TVs are mounted on the far wall with rows of tables and chairs facing them. Two blue squares are on the right wall.

Professional Development

The CPE Coordinator offers professional development based on the needs of your group. Potential topics include:


  • 课程的映射
  • Aligning activities to outcomes
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


  • Creating formative and summative assessments
  • 不同的评估
  • Aligning assessments to outcomes


  • Providing culturally relevant instruction
  • 创建社区
  • Understanding Accessible Course Design
  • Communicating with 学生
  • 反馈
  • Scaffolding and Chunking


  • Activities for virtual and in-person learners
  • Examining methods to improve engagement.


阿什丽兹 | 706.771.4090

阿什丽兹 smiles at the camera wearing a dark plaid dress.


Ashley拿着Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction. With over 15 years of experience in education and a passion for creating learning experiences, Ashley is excited to be a member of the ATC community.




CPE Sharepoint

奥古斯塔 Technical College 教师 may need to request permission to access this site.


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The 奥古斯塔 Technical College Center for Professional Excellence is funded by

 U.S. Department of Education Predominantly Black Institutions Competitive Program Award#: P382A210033-22